
Modeling the World Economic Forum, Davos, and Annual Meeting, Benevolent AI Future brings together builders and funders for AI solutions that serve the public good - solutions that may not be naturally addressed by commercial markets but are crucial and necessary. Benevolent AI Future consists of a group of founders, VCs, product builders, and executives who want to map out the positive, “benevolent” outcomes from AI that are being overlooked.

We work to create the AI public commons and identity specific problems and use cases, mostly based around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), upon which AI can make a big impact. 

We support ideas in the AI public commons where markets fail and help build open-source datasets, models, and evaluations that can be used across many organizations. We engage and convene funders, such as foundation and VCs, to create grants for the top ideas and projects that contribute to our mission of making a positive impact. We host dinners, salons, design thinking sessions hackathons, summits, and more to convene problem-solvers. We do not lobby governments, fund commercial projects, or take positions on specific issues of AI alignment, safety, or ethics.

AI for the Sustainable Development Goals

To achieve the SDGs, a broad array of niche AI datasets, evaluations, and applications - which may not be commercially viable - will nonetheless be critical global resources.

Examples of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that AI can assist in achieving include zero hunger, eradication of poverty, health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water, and clean energy, among others.

Curated Wisdom Dataset

Raw text dataset(s) representing the best of human wisdom curated from vast archives of non-public data from trusted content providers that can be used as a public resource for all LLMs.

Examples of archives include trusted content providers across various wisdom traditions, spiritual lineages, philosophy, psychology, personal development, healing modalities, mediation/peace-building, mental health, wellness, arts/creativity and related disciplines

Our Venue

Our firstHackathon event will be hosted at the AGI House in San Francisco, CA. The AGI House is a $68 million hacker house established in March 2023 to innovate and Envision the future of AI

Hillsborough, CA 94010, USA

Image courtesy of the AGI House website.